Histamine, Allergies, and Alkaline Ionized Water

It has a major role in the immune system and it regulates available

3d molecular spacefill of Histamine

3d molecular spacefill of Histamine (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

water in the body. People think of histamine as the cause of allergies so that is why people take anti-histamines to relieve the symptoms of an allergic response. What most people don’t know is that histamine is in charge of water regulation in the body. It is less active when the body is fully hydrated.


Fight Allergies! Is Alkaline Water the Ultimate Antihistamine!?


Studies have shown that an estimated 75 percent of the population has some degree of dehydration, significant enough to affect their health. Along with dehydration, the majority of people’s body state is acidic due to our typical North American diet. The acidity in our bodies causes irritation and inflammation which triggers histamine production.


Allergies plague thousands of people every year. Some people experience wheezing as part of their allergic response but they don’t have a diagnosis of asthma. The weepy eyes, runny nose, pounding headache and cough are characteristic signs of an allergic response. The root causes may shock you.


Allergies are caused by a histamine reaction in the body. Histamine is one of the body’s main neurotransmitters. It has two functions in the body hydrated and it becomes increasingly active when the body becomes dehydrated. It is also triggered when the body is acidic in combination with being dehydrated.


According to recent research, allergies are a sign of dehydration that are triggered when the body starts conserving its water resources. When dehydration occurs histamine is produced to begin the process of water regulation. It will prioritize where the limited available water will be used. Histamine is the good guy, delegating where the available water is to be used.


Studies have shown that an estimated 75 percent of the population has some degree of dehydration, significant enough to affect their health. Along with dehydration, the majority of people’s body state is acidic due to our typical North American diet. The acidity in our bodies causes irritation and inflammation which triggers histamine production. This actually creates a cycle where one keeps triggering the other. The acidic body and the reduced water intake keep the body in an irritated state where histamine is working hard to manage.


Silent inflammation is caused by histamine. That is where there is chronic inflammation and irritation that shows no strong symptoms until enough of it develops to push the symptoms into our awareness. The key is to reduce the inflammation and irritation in the body.


Water is a wonderful buffer. It is also the super highway that transports everything throughout the body. By drinking enough water, you are downgrading histamine production in addition to providing efficient nutrient delivery. Now, if you can alkalize your body more by altering your diet or drinking alkaline, ionized water, you will be on your way to being histamine free and allergy free. You will literally be turning off the allergic reaction.


Histamine’s other role in the body is that of immune system management. When dehydration is present, histamine suppresses its own activity on the immune system, otherwise dehydration would constantly flare up the immune system. This is because the majority of the population is chronically dehydrated. They mistakenly think that any liquid is OK to hydrate the body.


Because allergies are pronounced when the body is short of water and the histamine is acting as a drought manager, the immune system is shut down and antibodies are not produced. Antibodies are the army defending home territory from invaders. Lung tissue is a frontier with an external territory – the nose and eyes. If offending pollen, which is a protein, hits these tissues, it should be attacked by the immune system. It could cause damage. Normally, the antibody soldiers would be there to snuff out the invaders, the offending pollens, but in dehydration the soldier antibodies are sleeping. The only alternative for the body is to wash away the offending pollens. That’s why your eyes begin to water and your nose begins to run, because the body cannot allow the invaders to get as far as your lungs. It tries to wash them away.


The importance of proper hydration cannot be overemphasized. If you are properly hydrated and your body is less acidic, the antibody soldiers will be produced in the millions and trillions. With histamine doing its job, you will not be allergic or your symptoms  will be less. For more information on alkaline ionized water, visit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkB1U6D5wuI 

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Do You Feel Toxic?

The following was written by a colleague of mine, James Clendenin.

If You Feel Like Your Body Has Become a Toxic Waste Dump, It Probably Has… Drink Up And Get Your Life Back!

If I had to pick one area that I believe would help improve the overall health of the majority of people in the world, I would say it’s the need to drink more water (the right kind of water!).

I believe many diseases could be prevented (or cured) if people drank enough of the right kind of water each day.

Water is a solvent and a sufficient amount is needed daily to properly hydrate and flush the body’s cells and organs of disease causing toxins.  Lack of water leads to dehydration and the saga begins…

Symptoms of dehydration will usually start with thirst and will continue to progress as the percentage of the body’s fluid loss increases.

Initial symptoms of mild dehydration will generally begin when the body has lost about 2% of its total fluid.  The symptoms are usually mild at this point and can include:


Loss of Appetite

Dry Skin

Skin Flushing

Dark Urine (a big indicator of dehydration!)

Head Rushes

Cotton Mouth


Lack of Energy



Head Aches

If the total fluid loss of the body reaches around 5% of its total fluid more serious symptoms will begin to appear and can include:



Severe Headaches


Increased heart rate

Decreased urination

Elevated body temperature

Loss of ability to sweat

Extreme fatigue

Tingling in the tips of your fingers and toes

Muscle cramps

Increased respiration

If the total fluid loss reaches 10% serious side effects will occur and medical attentions is definitely needed.  Above 10% can be fatal!

Symptoms of severe dehydration can include all of the above and below:

Difficulty breathing

Chest pain



Muscle spasms


Racing pulse

Shriveled skin

Loss of vision

Burning during urination


Abdominal pain

How to prevent dehydration

The average person loses between two and three liters of water a day through sweating, breathing and urination.  Depending on the type of activities a person is involved in this figure can increase or decrease.  Heavy exercise can cause the body to lose more than 2 liters an hour! To prevent dehydration you must continually replenish the fluids that you lose throughout the day!

We’ve all heard that “you should drink around 8 glasses of water a day”, which is true; however, this figure can increase depending on many factors of your daily lifestyle.

I grew up in Stuart, Florida and worked out in the sun since I was 14 years old.  A part time outdoor job during the school year and then 8 – 10 hours during the summer could really take its toll; however, I would drink at least three gallons of water a day just to stay alive!  Everyone’s condition is different, however for most people 8 glasses is the “magic” number, providing it is the ‘right’ kind of water.

Sodas and other “comfort” drinks don’t count!

Keep in mind that you cannot include soda, juice, coffee, or sugar type drinks as part of your 8 glasses of fluid, as each of these drinks need their water content just to metabolize and flush the junk that they contain out of the body.

You must pay special attention to your fluid loss and take special care to replenish it as it is being lost.  Remember this…By the time you feel thirsty you are already dehydrated!  The key is to avoid becoming thirsty in the first place!

Drink more water and if you have kids make sure they do too (I guarantee you that their brains will function better and their grades will improve!).  There’s no doubt that you will be healthier, have more energy, mental clarity, and on top of all this, you will look younger, and be more vibrant.

The majority of all headaches are caused by dehydration.  So instead of treating the symptoms by reaching for a bottle of aspirin, try drinking a glass or two of water.  This will usually cure most headaches within 15-20 minutes.

To prove the points made, make a commitment to drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water a day for one week and see for yourself the difference it makes in the quality of your life.  You will be amazed!

Your challenge this week is to drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water a day for the entire week.

Tip 1: When you are sleeping you are actually dehydrating for up to 8 hours or more.  Therefore, one of the most important times to drink water is immediately upon rising in the morning.  Start your day out right with 8-10 ounces of water as soon as you wake up.

Tip 2: Here’s a surefire way to ensure that you remember to drink enough water each day… Put 8 pennies in your left pocket at the start of the day.  Each time you drink a glass of water move one penny over to your right pocket.  Make sure that before you go to bed that you have moved all 8 pennies over to your right pocket.  If you don’t wear pants, then get creative and come up with some other type of system that will ensure you drink the required amount of water.

Tip 3: Not all water is equal!  You should avoid tap water completely… It’s poison and can actually cause you to become dehydrated due to its large hard to absorb molecule size caused by all the chemicals and other toxic substances found in it.  Bottled water isn’t much better unless you drink Fiji which is one of the purest and highest pH balanced bottled waters available.  Your best bet to ensure you are getting the healthiest, “wettest”; most energized antioxidant type waters available is to get a water ionizer machine and create your own purified pH balanced water.  The optimal pH range is from 8.5 – 9.5. Your life will be transformed by drinking this type of water!  In my opinion, I believe the NEW Improved Living Water Machine by Vollara™ is the best water ionizer machine one the market, especially when you consider its low price as compared to other ionizer machines that cost 2-3 times as much!

All my best,

 James Clendenin

For more information on this, or other green, healthy-living technology, visit


Video   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbWyazAXdoE