2004 – in excess of 555 pounds and a size 74 waist and a BMI of 75+

Most addictions whether they be alcohol, sex, drugs, or in my case food, usually have some degree of secrecy.  I personally feel that those with food addictions tend to have more secrecy.  Alcoholics for example can go to a bar and feed their addiction right in public with their friends. Sure, food addicts can go to restaurants and eat with friends; however, usually in this setting, food addicts will not eat as much food as they would in private. Alcoholics usually get noticed for their addiction – they are loud, obnoxious, get in trouble with the law, and God forbid, some even kill others.  Food addicts to some degree go unnoticed.  I always tried to make people feel I was strong and “all-together.” I can assure you when I weighed close to 600 pounds, I was NOT all together. I was falling apart!

In their book, The Don’t Diet Live It! Workbook, Wachter and Marcus say, “At the core of food, weight, and body issues is a deep well of shame.”  Shame is what you feel when you believe that you are a failure as a person or that something is fundamentally wrong with you. When you feel shame, there is a tendency to isolate yourself (or your true feelings) from others. You may believe that you don’t deserve support, so you keep your problems to yourself. Or you think your pain will “bring people down” so you hide it where others won’t see it. The more secretive you become, the more alone you feel. The more alone you feel, the more your feelings of shame seem confirmed.
According to my wife, family therapist Joyce Raines,  “reaching out to others is essential to recovery, it is important that the people you reach out to are Safe People.” Joyce describes safe people as those who respect you and are good listeners. They don’t try to fix you. Safe people welcome you and all your feelings, no matter what your feelings happen to be at the time. For me personally, when I talk with Joyce, I feel heard and cared about.
On the other hand, unsafe people are those who criticize, interrupt, try to “fix” you, give unsolicited advice, relate everything you say to themselves, or reveal your confidences. Sadly, most people turn to unsafe people due to a fear of intimacy. We tend to go to unsafe people because their rejection and criticism, though painful, is familiar.
I urge you to find a safe person to reach out to. It will mean being honest. It will mean calling them or being with them when you are in pain or feeling bad about yourself. It means telling the truth when you are angry or hurt. It means asking for help when you don’t know what to do. It means trusting people who are trustworthy.
Joyce and I will be your safe people. I know the pain you experience being overweight. Joyce is trained to help you deal with the underlying feelings and emotions that are causing you to react by over-eating.  I urge you to contact us. I am thankful I found Vollara. Vollara has one of the absolute best weight loss and nutritional programs in the country. They have a medical advisory board that is unmatched anywhere.  As I’ve said before, Vollara’s RE:PLACE is at the core of my successful weight loss, along with other key nutritionals.
Thank you for reading today. I’ve lost 35 pounds in 40 days, and I would love to help you get on the same path. Let me hear from you.
 Your friend,
Brian Raines


With Vollara, You're Headed in the Right Direction

Good afternoon to my fellow “losers!”  Of course, we all know I am referring to those of you who are losing their excess weight with me on the Vollara Uncompromising Health Weight Loss Challenge.  I hope you are a smaller person today than you were yesterday.  Today started day 36 for me.  The biggest hurdle is over – I have almost lost 10% of my body weight, and that was an initial goal for me, on this my second leg of weight loss.

I’ll bring you up-to-date on where I stand.  I have lost 30 pounds in 35 days.  I am really starting to feel some great energy and positive feelings coming into play. Yesterday, I had to go visit my internist for a check-up, and he was pleased with my over-all health.  My heart has always been strong and healthy, even when I weighed my heaviest of 555 pounds. Yesterday was no exception.  To my doctor’s surprise, my blood pressure was 118/80.  Here again, hard to believe, but my blood pressure has always been normal. 

I have truly been blessed to stay healthy in spite of my weight. I just turned 49 in December. My father died when he was 59. He had diabetes, arthritis, kidney failure…you name it, he had it. I lost my maternal grandmother to diabetes, and my paternal grandmother to diabetes. My dad’s mom lost her leg to the disease, prior to her death.  I have always been overweight; however, I have always been healthy. That has always been my problem! Each time my doctor would tell me to lose weight or die, I brushed it off because I was so healthy. The only issue the doctor’s could point at me and show me was my cholesterol levels, and at my heaviest weight, my level was 232.  You see, I was in denial. As long as all my medical tests were good, I never worried. When the doctor said, “you are going to die,” I always said, “I’m not dead yet, and I am healthy.”  Is that insane or what? There I was at 555 pounds arguing with the doctor.  When my dad died at age 59, it was like cold water in my face. That was the turning point for me. 

If you need to lose weight, please listen to me! DO NOT delay another day…start getting your weight off now!  There isn’t one excuse you can tell me that I haven’t used. You cannot convince me you are happy being overweight, you cannot convince me you are healthy being overweight, you cannot convince me of one thing, except you are heading down a dead-end street. Literally!

My wife, Joyce, has been a true help-mate to me. Joyce is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC).  I figured it was cheaper for me to marry a therapist than to pay for one.  She always told me, “honey, you are insane. You are doing the same thing daily, and expecting a different result.” Naturally, I never wanted to hear it. If you won’t listen to anyone else, please listen to me. I am you. I am overweight. I know the pain and discrimination you live in every day. I can help you. I will lose the weight with you. I will encourage you. Will you do it?

In closing, I have been telling myself I wanted to lose down to 180 pounds. Yesterday, my internist told me he felt it would be more appropriate for me to get down to 200 or so. Hey, I liked that! I am trying to be smart and listen to my doctor now. I have revised my goal to 200 pounds.  Now, all I have to do is lose approximately .41 pounds each day, and on my birthday this year (December 29th), I should be at my goal weight.

I use Vollara nutritional weight loss products. If you want to get on the challenge with me, visit my website and place your order today. Re:Place is the core product in my program. I also use Re:Activate, Re:Duce, Re:Cleanse, as well as my daily nutritional supplement, Re:Fuel.  Feel free to make comments below, and subscribe to this blog so we can keep up with each other.  If you would like to correspond with me confidentially, feel free to send me an e-mail at

Come on…join me…be a loser!



weight loss tracker week 2

Image by The Shed1 via Flickr

Oh what a beautiful morning it is here in the piedmont of South Carolina.  It is cool, but I’m beginning to think winter has forgotten to make an appearance this year.  Bring on the snow!

So, how are you coming along with your own weight loss challenge?  Have you had one or two of those days yet, as I did last week, when the scales made you mad and you wanted to just crush them?  Two days last week, I actually gained weight; however, over the weekend, I got mad, and serious, and decided that greater is He who is in me, than he that is in those scales!

As you know, I started my weight loss journey at 555 pounds several years ago.  I have pictures posted of me “before” in a previous blog. My goal is to hit 180 by my birthday on December 29th.  Drum roll…..this morning I weighed in at 338.2  I was very excited, because that is a loss of over 1.5 pounds yesterday.  This brings my total to 26.8 pounds lost in the past 32 days.

You know what I want to do? I want to see if I can actually get my weight loss total higher than the actual number of days I’ve been on the challenge.  I want to see something like 40 pounds lost in 35 days. Wouldn’t that be a BOOM?  I know I can do it, and you can as well.

Please join me on my challenge.  I still have 158.2 pounds to go in order to reach my target weight. My BMI needs to be 24.4  I want to hear from you guys. Tell me what struggles you’re having. Tell me about your success.

Exercise is my weakness…I don’t like it, and I don’t enjoy it; but, I know I’ve got to get a program going. Remember, when your motivation leaves you, your discipline kicks in. Take your supplements, drink the correct amount of water, preferably LivingWater, it is SO much healthier for you. The health benefits are amazing.

Go out and make it a great day. Subscribe to my blog so we can keep up and share our success together.  It’s much easier to lose weight when you have others doing it with you, and I need you…that’s why I’m putting my personal information out here, because I need encouragement too.

Let me know if you would like to have a free copy of my January Healthy Living Newsletter. Have a blessed day.

To Your Weight Loss Success!


P.S.  If you find you are running low on energy, I have found RE:VIVE to be a great energy boost.  You can watch a short video on the product here, and you can order at this website.


Brian Raines at 555 pounds

Good Morning, Friends.  I have been on a weight loss roller coaster most of my life.  I was born fat. I came into this world, according to my mother, at 10 lbs 8 oz.  Not a good way to start, huh?

I have been overweight all of my life, and to make matters worse, I have suffered from a tic disorder since childhood. Tics are tough, especially for kids.  My tics do not fall into the Tourette’s Syndrome category, because I do not have vocal tics — I don’t bark, scream, or curse unexpectedly.  So, weight and tics. Life has been tough. One thing I have noticed however, it seems to me that kids who suffer with TS or tic disorders, for the better part, are rather artistic. For me, it was playing piano, singing, and writing music.  Now that I am older, I have given -up most of my music aspirations — I don’t even have a piano anymore. I sold my concert grand a few years ago because it wasn’t getting played, and the environment in my sunroom wasn’t good for the instrument.

For the past thirty days, I have been documenting my weight loss on Facebook; however, I have decided to do it going forward utilizing my blog.  I will be posting to Facebook, Twitter, and the like.

I have been on and off diets my entire life. I have tried almost everything except Weight Watchers, and for some reason, their program never interested me.  I even had a gastric bypass years ago, and lost one hundred pounds or so, but for the better part, was still very obese.

I started my “major” weight loss program at my peak of 555 pounds.  I dropped down to my adult low of 297 pounds back in November of 2008; however, over the past three years, I went back up to 365.  In December of last year (2011), I went to see my doctor for my annual physical. Believe it or not, he told me that I was malnourished at 365 pounds! What?  Seems my body has been having difficulty holding on to calcium, iron, and vitamin D. He thinks it is from the gastric bypass I had back in 2004. I do, therefore, take a lot of supplements daily.

On my birthday, December 29, 2011, I decided I was going to get the rest of my weight off. I run my own company, and ironically enough, my company is a health and nutrition company. I have been in the industry since 2006.  I’ve used my companies eco-friendly technology products (air and water purification, LaundryPure, and the like), but I never really used the nutritional products. If I did, it was sporadically.  I decided I was going to get the rest of my weight off, and I was going to give my very own company products a real effort. A hypocrite I am not. I’m not going to Jenny Craig, when I work for a major nutrition company.

Here’s where I stand as of this morning:  My Body Mass Index (BMI) in 2004 was near 75!  This morning, my BMI is 46.2. For those of you who aren’t familiar with this, one’s BMI fluctuates as your body weight fluctuates.  Two days ago, my BMI was 45.9.  For some reason, I have gained two pounds in the past two days.  Sometimes, your body will hit a plateau, and this is when one must do something different. I have chosen to drink more alkaline water, and try to get some excercise. I never have excercised much. After all, doesn’t the Bible say somewhere that bodily excercise profits a man little?  I’m really stretching the scriptures here, and taking it out of context; but, in this case, I like it!

Here’s my results since December 29, 2011.  My weight this morning was 340.6 pounds. Using my very own company products, I have lost 24.4 pounds in 30 days. My results were better than this a couple of days ago until I hit a plateau. I am excited to see what the coming week and month brings!  My goal weight is 180 pounds. I want to hit this weight by my birthday this year, which again is December 29th.  In order for me to do this, I must lose 0.48 pounds per day. I know I can do much better than this. I have 336 days left to hit my goal. I need to lose 160.6 pounds.

For those of you that are interested in following my journey, I would be honored if you subscribed to my daily blog. Maybe I can be an encouragement to you, and I’m sure there will be days when you can encourage me. We can be a team — lose our weight together. Support is very critical.

If you want to know the specifics of my plan, I will be posting them over the next week; however, I can tell you this. I eat 5 – 7 small meals each day.  The foundation of my plan, is RE:PLACE, which is a protein shake distributed by my company, Vollara.  In addition to the shake, I take RE:ACTIVATE to give me energy and suppress my appetite. In the event I “mess-up” and go eat Mexican food like I did Thursday night, I take RE:DUCE. This is a fabulous product. For an energy boost everyday, I drink RE:VIVE (this is addictive – you will love it)! You can read about it, and all other products on my website.  You can also order any of these products directly from my website as well.  If you are interested in buying at wholesale, just hit the Contact Me button on my website, and you can send me a direct message, and I can tell you how you can become a wholesale customer and save a lot of money. You can also do as I do, and make money by using and sharing the products.

Please follow me and lets lose weight together. Subscribe to this blog. I would love for you to try the products I am using, because they work, and they are top-shelf nutritional products.

My precious friend, Dr. Mike Murdock says, “Our lives are like a train on the Track of Success.  Each day, God gives us 24 golden box cars (hours) to load up. What you place in each box car, or hour, determines the speed and the distance your train will move toward your next city of accomplishment.”  Make your life count today. Every hour is a Seed. You control The Harvest.

“Redeeming the time, because the days are evil,” (Ephesians 5:16). 

Thanks for reading and supporting me. Let me hear from you, and don’t forget to subscribe to the blog.

Be blessed!

Your friend,

Brian Raines

Would you like to make up to a career level income working part-time from home? If so, check here when you have a second.



Tired of Suffering From Stiff Joints?


If you have stiff, achy joints you’re not alone.  I can’t tell you how many of you have told me they’re so stiff in the morning that it is miserable to get out of bed – or that everyday activities like climbing a flight of stairs is a painful event.

Unfortunately there aren’t many good pain relief options available, especially if you have cardiovascular concerns.  Clinical studies have shown that the most popular pain relievers for joint issues, NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), can negatively impact blood clotting.   Consequently, it would seem they are not the optimal choice for anyone with cardiovascular concerns.

The good news is there’s an all-natural breakthrough that can provide dramatic joint pain relief safely and effectively…

This discovery gets to the root of joint pain – delivering safe, lasting relief.

Scientists have uncovered an all-natural pain reliever called Re:Flex® that does what no other nutrient has ever done, it…

Previous name Infi-Aide

  • Provides fast dramatic relief for stiff, painful joints – by blocking pain right where it starts
  • Contains antioxidants that help protect your joints.
  • Plus, it’s not only safe for your heart – it actually boosts heart health!

This is such a huge breakthrough for your joints, muscles and your heart.

Re:Flex blocks your joint pain right where it starts.

Re:Flex contains highly bioavailable form of ingredients.  Once in your joints, Re:Flex blocks the top pain-causing enzymes we all hear so much about.

Plus, it’s safe and natural, so you can confidently take it every day!

The study results are quite dramatic.


To order RE:FLEX visit Vollara’s website at this link

In a leading study, Reflex improved pain, stiffness, and physical function by over 58% and mobility by 336%.  Re:Flex also promoted a 16-fold drop in C-reactive protein (CRP), which is the measure of inflammation in your body.  That dramatic CRP reduction isn’t just benefiting your joints; it can make a real improvement in your overall health.

Then, to round out the Re:Flex formula, it supplies a powerful combination of natural herbs and proteolytic enzymes that support the immune system’s natural anti-inflammatory processes.  This helps to reduce oxidative stress on your joints, heart and entire body.

Re:Flex can make a real difference
in your health and quality of life


To order RE:FLEX visit Vollara’s website at this link
Not only does it do an excellent job of relieving your everyday joint pain and stiffness, it can make a real difference anywhere in your body that CRP is causing harm.  Remember, not only does Re:Flex relieve joint pain and stiffness; it’s safe and natural so you can confidently take it every day with your cardiovascular medications.  In fact, it can help improve your cardiovascular health.


Content by Scott Gordon. To contact Scott, e-mail him at


To order RE:FLEX visit Vollara’s website at this link




The Professional Baseball Strength and Conditioning Coaches Society recently held a convention and


personally invited Vollara’s Chairman and CEO Joe Urso to address the group. All of the water and     air for the entire show was sponsored by Vollara, and both proved to be a big hit. Bottles of LivingWater were available and – no surprise here – people loved it! Also embraced at the event was Re:Vive – everyone seemed to want a boost of that famous Re:Vive energy to get them through the day!

By the end of Joe’s presentation, 26 of the 29 baseball teams decided to get a LivingWater machine! Vollara has cemented itself as a respected, sought-after company with whom national sports teams are eager to work. Even Hall of Fame coaches are taking the initiative and contacting Vollara – because they know Vollara has a stellar reputation, superior technology and stands behind the quality of their products.

See Vollara’s Drinking Water Chart here

Read about the importance of aquaporins here

To order your own LivingWater at retail, visit The Raines Organization, Inc.

For more information on Vollara’s other eco-friendly, green technology products, visit here

If you are interested in signing-up right now with Vollara, and starting your own home-based

business in the green technology industry, or to become a wholesale buyer of the products, visit here






Marion Cotillard during the Paris premiere of ...

Image via Wikipedia

Contagion’ may soon be spreading more than the joy of entertainment at the box office. The premise of the movie seems to have brought reality a little too close to home for the actors and staff, including director Steven Soderbergh, screenwriter Scott Burns, and actor Matt Damon.

“The real-life education began with Burns’ intensive research for the script, which involved working with world health experts,” stated USA Today in their article titled ‘Contagion’ created a crew of germaphobes. “Actress Marion Cotillard was the most affected with her germ education. She concedes that she has always been careful pathogen-wise, bringing her own germ-killing spray to hotel rooms. But after long conversations with Soderbergh, she stepped up her game. Now Cotillard cleans every doorknob in the hotel room and the TV remote control.” The article then goes on to say “Her germ mind-set only got worse when she watched Contagion with studio executives,” a statement that seems to underscore the potential effect the movie may have on actual audiences.

Hollywood’s latest fright aside, being concerned about the issue of airborne and surface contaminants is nothing new at Vollara. For years, we have been involved in researching and developing air and surface environmental technologies designed to help combat and control certain common household contaminants. The potential effectiveness of our active technology on surfaces has been tested for us by Dr. James Marsden at Kansas State University, and separately for airborne particulate at the University of Cincinnati.

And while the work we’re doing at Vollara may not have the dramatic flare of a box office hit or the drama of trying to cure a worldwide contagion, we feel it’s very important for average people to have a healthy living space, without unnecessary chemicals or being afraid of the doorknob.

So if you own an active air purifier from Vollara, enjoy ‘Contagion’ knowing you have the power of active, Certified Space technology working for you while you’re out, and after you get back. If you don’t own one, and you would like more information about our technology, contact me via my website

Results have not been evaluated by the FDA. Our products are not medical devices intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Reprinted from the Official Vollara Blog


Good Morning!


This past Saturday we held a LaundryPure Web
meeting and it was a great success.  We had the biggest turnout
for the Company by over twice as many.  I shot my
mouth off to the Company and told them we would
double that on Monday night.  Can you help me take my
foot out of my mouth and make that a reality? 

Let me ask you a question? “Do you have a washing machine?” – “Would
you like to make money while you wash clothes?” –
“Would you like to make money when people you know
wash their clothes?”

Join me Monday night  at 9pm Eastern time for a
special LaundryPure Web meeting online. 
You go to 

Once in the room go to the top of the page and click
on “Attend Presentation”. 

The room name is “Vollara” and the password
is “bigbest”. 

You watch the slide show on the web and listen via

The number is 641-594-7500 and password 8655272#

I will give a powerful LaundryPure presentation that will last about 15 minutes.  The Saturday call was an outstanding success.  I will repeat this presentation tonight (Monday). After the presentation, call Brian Raines at (864) 918-8025 and he will answer any further questions, or simply e-mail him at 


Mike and Nata Jackson

Brian E. Raines, President
The Raines Organization, Inc.
Post Office Box 799
Liberty, South Carolina 29657
(864) 918-8025


Wednesday Morning Soap Box

Various Federal Reserve Notes, c.1995. Only th...

Image via Wikipedia

Good Morning, Friends!

I wanted to share a few thoughts with you today.  Ok, they are thoughts, but I think I’ll get on my soap-box. Is that OK?

I used to work in the financial industry, and left two years ago against my choosing; however, in hindsight, it was a blessing and a good decision. I have learned over the past couple of years that integrity, honesty, and truthfulness mean more to me than ever before. I’ve also learned a great deal about human nature, and people, and how they respond to certain things. Thankfully, I’ve also learned who my dearest, truest, friends really are.  The greatest thing I am thankful for, is my personal relationship with my personal Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

The financial world is a very, very lucrative industry. God blessed me beyond my wildest expectations. It was all from Him — nothing I did.  The financial industry has also become a very corrupt, greedy, industry. Large financial institutions now do what is best for their bottom lines, and not what is best for their clients and customers. It seems every week we hear of another company settling some major lawsuit over corruption.

Makes me think of the words of Solomon in Proverbs Chapter 22.  If I recall, Solomon said that a good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and that loving favor rather than silver and gold.  That’s what I want…a good name. I’m human like everyone else, and we all sin, we make mistakes, and we hopefully learn from those mistakes. A former pastor of mine always used to say that in life we can choose our sins; however, we can’t choose the consequences of those sins. So, so , true!  The Lord made us all — both rich and poor. And you know, He loves the poorest of the poor just as much as He loves the wealthiest in the world.

I now work in the network marketing industry. You know about network marketing — it’s the industry where all your friends run and hide from you all the time because they think you’re going to try and get them in your “pyramid scheme!”  Unfortunately, many old-timers in the industry used to work this way…by deceit, and scamming people.  I have big news. Just because I work in the network marketing industry, and just because you’re my friend,  doesn’t mean I necessarily want you working with me as a partner. You may not be suitable. You may be lazy. You may be arrogant. You may not be right for the job. Now, I’m like every other businessman…if my company has a product or service that will solve a problem for you, then sure I would like to have you become a loyal customer; however, you don’t have to run and hide when you see me…I probably won’t mention my business to you, because I keep friendship and business separate. In the financial industry, there was an old joke that if a person could “steam up a mirror,” then they were a prospect. That’s not the way true, honest, business works, especially not a business with integrity. My companies are run on Biblical principles, and if something isn’t right, I’ll tell you.

People always ask me, “how do I get rich?”  Well, it is very simple. Really? Yes, really! Proverbs 22:4 says, “By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches, and honor, and life.”  Basically, Solomon is saying that the “rewards” of humility and the fear of the Lord ar riches, honor, and life.  We all know that the rich rule over the poor, and the person who is always borrowing money becomes a slave to the person he borrowed from. Most people in America spend money they don’t have, to buy things they don’t need, to impress people they don’t even like! As a matter of fact, those people probably don’t truly like you either! Most people are not your friend! And believe me, when you run into someone who is always overly sweet and nice, and very loving towards you……better watch out! Just speaking from experience.

And while I’m on my spiritual soap-box, I’ll say something else. The people that are rich and make their money from the backs of the poor man….better watch out! Proverbs 22:16 says, “He that oppresseth the poor to increase his riches, and he that giveth to the rich, shall surely come to want.”  Now that makes me think!  So, if I oppress the poor to make myself rich, then God will bring me to a place where I am in want and need.  And, notice that last part — “…he that giveth to the rich, shall surely come to want.”  So, maybe I need to give money to the needy and the poor, and not some wealthy politician who doesn’t need my money. Maybe I should help clothe and feed needy children instead of sending a “seed” to some multi-millionaire TV preacher.  Now, I support ministries that I feel led of God to support; however, I pray hard about it. Why should I be giving money to some rich person? They don’t need it! Did you ever stop to think, that may be how they got rich to begin with?

Folks, if you want to make something of your life, get off your behind, get to work, and stop complaining and looking for something for nothing! The Bible says in Proverbs 22:29, “Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men.”  Just do the right things. Do what you’re supposed to be doing when you’re supposed to be doing it!

That’s it. That’s all I have to say. That is my Wednesday morning sermon.  Love your neighbor, be a true friend, stop talking about your friends, treat them right. Make yourself proud, and God, for He will reward you.  Let me hear from you.  Be blessed!

Brian Raines




Multi-Level Marketing

Image by larryosan via Flickr


How would you like to have every possible opportunity in your life open up to you? How would you like unlimited possibilities?  If you will fall in love with the network marketing industry, your success is inevitable!  If you’re already a member of the network marketing industry, I applaud you. Fall in love with your industry. Fall in love with your chosen company, and fall in love with your products. If you’re not in this industry, I urge you to prayerfully consider joining – either part-time, or if you are in a position to do so; make it a full-time career!

Network Marketing is a way for you to achieve everything you’ve ever wanted in life – and by helping others!  Your success can be directly proportionate to the level of service and support you provide for other people. This is phenomenal!  From your very first day in network marketing you are free!  Free from commuting, free from office politics, free from being tied down to a boring, dead-end job, and free from making someone else rich while you struggle to survive!  And what about you corporate guys and gals?  Are you career-disturbed? Are you over-worked, under-paid, under-appreciated? How about over-qualified? How about…just sick and tired of the corporate rat race? And, don’t even get me started about you folks that have to catch a plane somewhere every day, or every week. Aren’t you tired of being “tired?”

John Kalench said in his 1990 book, Being The Best You Can Be in MLM**, “Network Marketing is such a unique and extraordinary system that I firmly believe it will open up for you – as it did for me and has for thousands of others just like us – a vast new horizon of possibilities for your life. Once you begin to grasp the unlimited potential of Network Marketing, you’ll begin to reveal your deepest desires and aspirations.”

Here are the three things you must do in order to be successful in a Network Marketing career:

  1. 1.  You must use you products and love them! You may ask me, “Brian, what will I have to do if I join a Network Marketing company?”  I’ll be the first to tell you, there are no shortcuts, and that’s a good thing, too!  Network Marketing offers some of the most extraordinary products and services in the world. Take my chosen company, Vollara. We have the absolute highest quality, most amazing, eco-friendly technology the world has ever seen! I am my own best customer – and with this combination, I have a win-win situation! I use my own company products!
  2. You must share and recommend your products to others!  This is very simple. You already do this, and you don’t realize it. What happens when you eat at a great restaurant? You tell your friends and family about this awesome restaurant!  What happens when you go see a good movie?  You tell your friends and family, right?  Do the restaurants and movie theaters pay you residual income for sending all your friends to them? NO!  Gues what? Your Network Marketing company does! Every time I tell someone about my Vollara technology, and they use my product, I get paid! Isn’t this the most exciting thing you’ve ever heard of? Professional marketers know they have to get people to try their product, they have to get you to use their product or service again and again, and lastly, and most importantly…the thing all marketers dream of accomplishing: they need you to like the product so much that you recommend it to other people!
  3. 3.    You must sponsor other people to join you. When people see you’re having fun building your home-based business, when they see you making money…they will start thinking pretty long and hard about joining you. This is a very critical point…do not miss this! Network Marketing is not about begging people to join your business. It’s not about “hard-selling” them. It’s not about “high-pressure. And, it sure isn’t about deceiving them into coming to dinner or to your home for a social event, and then hitting them with your opportunity meeting! This is unethical, and it is wrong!  You know what it is about? It’s about honestly offering people your opportunity and letting them make a choice. Network Marketers are not in the persuading business or convincing business; we are in the sorting business.  Just keep offering until you find the right person at the right time. Period!

If you want to know more, or have questions, feel free to send me an e-mail. I can be reached at  If you would like more information on my company of choice, Vollara, you can see an entire presentation at

Thank you for taking a few minutes of your time to read my blog today. I am very humbled you have stopped by.  Will you do me a favor? Will you share this information with your team if you are in the Network Marketing industry? If you’re not in the industry, maybe you would like more information about joining the industry, or maybe you know someone else who could use an extra $1000 – $2000 each month. If so, send this to them. If you’re reading this from Facebook, or some other social media site, will you hit the “like” button for me? And if you really want to make me feel super special, subscribe to my blog. And please, if there is any way I can personally serve you, please do not hesitate to call on me. I believe in paying it forward. Givers really do gain, and I want to be a giver! Thank you so much, and may God bless you!

To Your Continued and Future Success!

Brian Raines

** For more information on John Kalench and his work:

Millionaires in Motion

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